Noa Rappaport, PhD

Principal Scientist

Computational Biology

I received my Bachelor’s degree in Biology under the Technion Excellence Program in Israel. I did My masters and PhD  with Prof. Naama Barkai at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The focus of my masters was mathematical models in yeast of biological timers and robust gradient detection.  My PhD was focused on studying the evolution of anti-fungal drug resistance.

During my post-doc at the lab of Prof. Doron Lancet at the Weizmann Institute of science, I led the development of MalaCards – an integrated database of human diseases.

My main interest is systems biology with the long-term goal to study how concepts such as control, regulation, program and function, emerge in complex biological systems. I am mainly interested in applying and developing mathematical methodologies and bioinformatic tools for studying the design principles of biological systems. Also, I am interested to study how intricate web of interactions (among cellular components, among diseases etc.) affect function and how the network can be controlled by cellular context in a way that can be utilized for medical applications.

  • Bioinformatics
  • Mathematical Modelling
  • Medical databases

Don, Janith, Andrew J. Schork, Gwênlyn Glusman, Noa Rappaport, Steve R. Cummings, David Duggan, Anish Raju, et al. 2024. “The Relationship between 11 Different Polygenic Longevity Scores, Parental Lifespan, and Disease Diagnosis in the UK Biobank.” GeroScience. Cite Download
Johnson-Martínez, Johannes P., Christian Diener, Anne E. Levine, Tomasz Wilmanski, David L. Suskind, Alexandra Ralevski, Jennifer Hadlock, et al. 2024. “Aberrant Bowel Movement Frequencies Coincide with Increased Microbe-Derived Blood Metabolites Associated with Reduced Organ Function.” Cell Reports. Medicine 5 (7): 101646. Cite
Quinn-Bohmann, Nick, Tomasz Wilmanski, Katherine Ramos Sarmiento, Lisa Levy, Johanna W. Lampe, Thomas Gurry, Noa Rappaport, et al. 2024. “Microbial Community-Scale Metabolic Modelling Predicts Personalized Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production Profiles in the Human Gut.” Nature Microbiology 9 (7): 1700–1712. Cite
Zhang, Yue, Guangrong Qin, Boris Aguilar, Noa Rappaport, James T. Yurkovich, Lance Pflieger, Sui Huang, Leroy Hood, and Ilya Shmulevich. 2024. “A Framework towards Digital Twins for Type 2 Diabetes.” Frontiers in Digital Health 6: 1336050. Cite Download
Molani, Sevda, Patricia V. Hernandez, Ryan T. Roper, Venkata R. Duvvuri, Andrew M. Baumgartner, Jason D. Goldman, Nilüfer Ertekin-Taner, et al. 2022. “Risk Factors for Severe COVID-19 Differ by Age for Hospitalized Adults.” Scientific Reports 12 (1): 6568. Cite
Diener, Christian, Chengzhen L. Dai, Tomasz Wilmanski, Priyanka Baloni, Brett Smith, Noa Rappaport, Leroy Hood, Andrew T. Magis, and Sean M. Gibbons. 2022. “Genome-Microbiome Interplay Provides Insight into the Determinants of the Human Blood Metabolome.” Nature Metabolism 4 (11): 1560–72. Cite Download
Sebastiani, Paola, Zeyuan Song, Dylan Ellis, Qu Tian, Michaela Schwaiger-Haber, Ethan Stancliffe, Michael S. Lustgarten, et al. 2022. “A Metabolomic Signature of the APOE2 Allele.” GeroScience. Cite
Rappaport, Noa, and Kengo Watanabe. 2023. “Biological BMI Uncovers Hidden Health Risks and Is More Responsive to Lifestyle Shifts.” Nature Medicine. Cite
Molani, Sevda, Patricia V. Hernandez, Ryan T. Roper, Venkata R. Duvvuri, Andrew M. Baumgartner, Jason D. Goldman, Nilüfer Ertekin-Taner, et al. 2022. “Risk Factors for Severe COVID-19 Differ by Age: A Retrospective Study of Hospitalized Adults.” Preprint. Public and Global Health. Cite Download
Rappaport, Noa, Dylan Ellis, Kengo Watanabe, Tomasz Wilmanski, Leroy Hood, Nathan Price, Cory Funk, and Priyanka Baloni. 2023. “BIOLOGICAL AGING AND APOE STATUS REWIRE INTER-OMIC ASSOCIATIONS RELATED TO BIOENERGETICS IN HUMANS.” Innovation in Aging 7 (Suppl 1): 631–32. Cite Download
Pflieger, Lance, Kengo Watanabe, Max Robinson, Gustavo Glusman, Jodi Lapidus, Oliver Fiehn, Robert Moritz, and Noa Rappaport. 2023. “PROSPECTIVE MULTI-OMIC ANALYSIS OF HUMAN LONGEVITY COHORTS IDENTIFIES ANALYTE NETWORKS ASSOCIATED WITH LONGEVITY.” Innovation in Aging 7 (Suppl 1): 691–92. Cite Download
Yurkovich, James T., Simon J. Evans, Noa Rappaport, Jeffrey L. Boore, Jennifer C. Lovejoy, Nathan D. Price, and Leroy E. Hood. 2023. “The Transition from Genomics to Phenomics in Personalized Population Health.” Nature Reviews. Genetics. Cite
Burns, Adam R., Jack Wiedrick, Alicia Feryn, Michal Maes, Mukul K. Midha, David H. Baxter, Seamus R. Morrone, et al. 2023. “Proteomic Changes Induced by Longevity-Promoting Interventions in Mice.” GeroScience. Cite
Watanabe, Kengo, Tomasz Wilmanski, Priyanka Baloni, Max Robinson, Gonzalo G. Garcia, Michael R. Hoopmann, Mukul K. Midha, et al. 2023. “Lifespan-Extending Interventions Induce Consistent Patterns of Fatty Acid Oxidation in Mouse Livers.” Communications Biology 6 (1): 768. Cite
Watanabe, Kengo, Tomasz Wilmanski, Christian Diener, John C. Earls, Anat Zimmer, Briana Lincoln, Jennifer J. Hadlock, et al. 2023. “Multiomic Signatures of Body Mass Index Identify Heterogeneous Health Phenotypes and Responses to a Lifestyle Intervention.” Nature Medicine 29 (4): 996–1008. Cite Download
Bohmann, Nick, Tomasz Wilmanski, Lisa Levy, Johanna W. Lampe, Thomas Gurry, Noa Rappaport, Christian Diener, and Sean M. Gibbons. 2023. “Microbial Community-Scale Metabolic Modeling Predicts Personalized Short-Chain-Fatty-Acid Production Profiles in the Human Gut.” bioRxiv. Cite Download
Johnson, James P., Christian Diener, Anne E. Levine, Tomasz Wilmanski, David L. Suskind, Alexandra Ralevski, Jennifer Hadlock, et al. 2023. “Generally-Healthy Individuals with Aberrant Bowel Movement Frequencies Show Enrichment for Microbially-Derived Blood Metabolites Associated with Impaired Kidney Function.” bioRxiv. Cite Download
Watanabe, Kengo, Tomasz Wilmanski, Christian Diener, Anat Zimmer, Briana Lincoln, Jennifer J. Hadlock, Jennifer C. Lovejoy, et al. 2022. “Multiomic Investigations of Body Mass Index Reveal Heterogeneous Trajectories in Response to a Lifestyle Intervention.” medRxiv. Cite Download
Watanabe, Kengo, Tomasz Wilmanski, Priyanka Baloni, Max Robinson, Gonzalo G. Garcia, Michael R. Hoopmann, Mukul K. Midha, et al. 2022. “Systems-Level Patterns in Biological Processes Are Changed under Prolongevity Interventions and across Biological Age.” medRxiv. Cite Download
Wilmanski, Tomasz, Sergey A. Kornilov, Christian Diener, Matthew P. Conomos, Jennifer C. Lovejoy, Paola Sebastiani, Eric S. Orwoll, et al. 2022. “Heterogeneity in Statin Responses Explained by Variation in the Human Gut Microbiome.” Med (New York, N.Y.) 3 (6): 388-405.e6. Cite Download
Heath, Laura, John C. Earls, Andrew T. Magis, Sergey A. Kornilov, Jennifer C. Lovejoy, Cory C. Funk, Noa Rappaport, et al. 2022. “Manifestations of Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic Risk in the Blood Are Evident in a Multiomic Analysis in Healthy Adults Aged 18 to 90.” Scientific Reports 12 (1): 6117. Cite Download
Ross, Mary Kay, Cyrus Raji, Kristine L. Lokken, Dale E. Bredesen, Jared C. Roach, Cory C. Funk, Nathan Price, Noa Rappaport, Leroy Hood, and James R. Heath. 2021. “Case Study: A Precision Medicine Approach to Multifactorial Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Parkinsonism 11 (Suppl 5): 018. Cite
Ojanen, Xiaowei, Runtan Cheng, Timo Törmäkangas, Noa Rappaport, Tomasz Wilmanski, Na Wu, Erik Fung, et al. 2021. “Towards Early Risk Biomarkers: Serum Metabolic Signature in Childhood Predicts Cardio-Metabolic Risk in Adulthood.” EBioMedicine 72: 103611. Cite
McFarland, Karen N., Carolina Ceballos, Awilda Rosario, Thomas Ladd, Brenda Moore, Griffin Golde, Xue Wang, et al. 2021. “Microglia Show Differential Transcriptomic Response to Aβ Peptide Aggregates Ex Vivo and in Vivo.” Life Science Alliance 4 (7): e202101108. Cite Download
Zimmer, Anat, Yael Korem, Noa Rappaport, Tomasz Wilmanski, Priyanka Baloni, Kathleen Jade, Max Robinson, et al. 2021. “The Geometry of Clinical Labs and Wellness States from Deeply Phenotyped Humans.” Nature Communications 12 (1): 3578. Cite Download
Wilmanski, Tomasz, Noa Rappaport, Christian Diener, Sean M. Gibbons, and Nathan D. Price. 2021. “From Taxonomy to Metabolic Output: What Factors Define Gut Microbiome Health?” Gut Microbes 13 (1): 1–20. Cite Download
Wilmanski, Tomasz, Christian Diener, Noa Rappaport, Sushmita Patwardhan, Jack Wiedrick, Jodi Lapidus, John C. Earls, et al. 2021. “Gut Microbiome Pattern Reflects Healthy Ageing and Predicts Survival in Humans.” Nature Metabolism 3 (2): 274–86. Cite
Magis, Andrew T., Noa Rappaport, Matthew P. Conomos, Gilbert S. Omenn, Jennifer C. Lovejoy, Leroy Hood, and Nathan D. Price. 2020. “Untargeted Longitudinal Analysis of a Wellness Cohort Identifies Markers of Metastatic Cancer Years Prior to Diagnosis.” Scientific Reports 10 (1): 16275. Cite Download
Lowe, Mark E., Dana K. Andersen, Richard M. Caprioli, Jyoti Choudhary, Zobeida Cruz-Monserrate, Anil K. Dasyam, Christopher E. Forsmark, et al. 2019. “Precision Medicine in Pancreatic Disease-Knowledge Gaps and Research Opportunities: Summary of a National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Workshop.” Pancreas 48 (10): 1250–58. Cite
Earls, John C., Noa Rappaport, Laura Heath, Tomasz Wilmanski, Andrew T. Magis, Nicholas J. Schork, Gilbert S. Omenn, Jennifer Lovejoy, Leroy Hood, and Nathan D. Price. 2019. “Multi-Omic Biological Age Estimation and Its Correlation With Wellness and Disease Phenotypes: A Longitudinal Study of 3,558 Individuals.” The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 74 (Supplement_1): S52–60. Cite
Wilmanski, Tomasz, Noa Rappaport, John C. Earls, Andrew T. Magis, Ohad Manor, Jennifer Lovejoy, Gilbert S. Omenn, Leroy Hood, Sean M. Gibbons, and Nathan D. Price. 2019. “Blood Metabolome Predicts Gut Microbiome α-Diversity in Humans.” Nature Biotechnology. Cite
Rappaport, Noa, Simon Fishilevich, Ron Nudel, Michal Twik, Frida Belinky, Inbar Plaschkes, Tsippi Iny Stein, et al. 2017. “Rational Confederation of Genes and Diseases: NGS Interpretation via GeneCards, MalaCards and VarElect.” Biomedical Engineering Online 16 (Suppl 1): 72. Cite