Lee Hood at Visions of the Future

‘Visions of the Future’ Symposium Honors Dr. Lee Hood on his 80th Birthday

An impressive lineup of renowned researchers gathered at ISB recently for a one-day symposium, titled “Visions of the Future,” to honor ISB co-founder Dr. Lee Hood on his 80th birthday. Presenters included Drs. Irv Weissman, Ralph Snyderman, Ellen Rothenberg, Roger Perlmutter, Jim Heath, Trey Ideker, and more.

‘Visions of the Future’ Symposium Honors Dr. Lee Hood on his 80th Birthday
‘Visions of the Future’ Symposium Honors Dr. Lee Hood on his 80th Birthday
carole ellison

‘It’s Synchronicity:’ The Decades-Long Path That Led Philanthropist Carole Ellison to ISB

Philanthropist Carole Ellison created the recently unveiled K. Carole Ellison Fellows in Bioinformatics. "It’s so exciting to be part of (young researchers') lives and help them along in their careers," Ellison said.

‘It’s Synchronicity:’ The Decades-Long Path That Led Philanthropist Carole Ellison to ISB
‘It’s Synchronicity:’ The Decades-Long Path That Led Philanthropist Carole Ellison to ISB
blood diagnostics

Key Strategies for Implementing Proteomics-Based Tests Across Disease States Highlighted in Current Opinion in Biotechnology

ISB, Integrated Diagnostics and Sera Prognostics just announced a paper entitled, “The building blocks of successful translation of proteomics to the clinic,” by Leroy Hood and colleagues published online in Current Opinion in Biotechnology.

Key Strategies for Implementing Proteomics-Based Tests Across Disease States Highlighted in Current Opinion in Biotechnology
Key Strategies for Implementing Proteomics-Based Tests Across Disease States Highlighted in Current Opinion in Biotechnology
two people holding hands

Clinical Trial Explores the Effects of Health Coaching on Cognitive Function in Patients with Early-Stage Alzheimer’s

Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) is among several organizations conducting a clinical trial testing how health coaching affects the cognitive function of patients with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and analyzing longitudinal, multi-omic data to explore transitions in cognitive function over time.

Clinical Trial Explores the Effects of Health Coaching on Cognitive Function in Patients with Early-Stage Alzheimer’s
Clinical Trial Explores the Effects of Health Coaching on Cognitive Function in Patients with Early-Stage Alzheimer’s
Harshu Lausted

High School Scientist Targets Sepsis, Earns $25,000 Scholarship Along the Way

Sriharshita Musunuri, 17, is looking to find and stop what causes sepsis, the top killer in American hospitals. She is collaborating with several ISB staff members, including mentor Chris Lausted, and just earned a $25,000 scholarship for her work.

High School Scientist Targets Sepsis, Earns $25,000 Scholarship Along the Way
High School Scientist Targets Sepsis, Earns $25,000 Scholarship Along the Way
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